Shoe Bites: Shivan & Narresh are Finally in my City!

Shivan Narresh launch

I’ve been keeping this bottled up ever since they told me at the beginning of the year that they are looking out for store space in Mumbai. Finally last tuesday, after a lifetime of silence (on my part) they finally opened up their doors. This had to be the first Shivan & Narresh event where I wasn’t wearing the label, which would explain why Shivan was giving me the ‘why that top with that skirt’ look. Boys if you reading this, don’t worry now I know where to go get some proper clothes! *hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink*

Shivan Narresh launch

In true minimal, contemporary style the store is all white with very bright spotlight, which might be unnerving for those about to try on the swimwear. Nestled in Pali hill, I’m sure all the ladies who lunch will be only too excited to go try on their latest collections. Currently though this store stocks their latest Mosaic and Handcraft collections, so if like many, you are looking for their older collections you’ll have to contact their staff and place an order from their Delhi store.

Shivan Narresh launch

Some of the highlights of the evening were the swimwear printed petit fours courtesy Aishwarya Nair (Leela Hotel) who gave us all a sweet tooth (bye bye diet). The biggest highlight though was the surprise appearance of Siddhartth Mahajan (Communications Coordinator, Marketing, Pr, etc etc) who had his final architecture exam the next day, but still managed to make it. The launch would have been incomplete without him, very glad he made it, plus ladies how cute is he!?

Shivan Narresh launch

The party was filled with fashion’s youth, from magazine writers to fashion week icons, everybody wanted to get a piece of Shivan & Narresh’s latest venture. It was great to meet Anushka Manchanda who shared with me her monsoon hair tips (blog comming soon), I can’t wait to try them, thanks Anushka! My twitter buddy Chandni Bahri and I met at the event too, was nice to finally catch up with her for real and not via our Andora hunger pang tweets (insider joke). Chandni styles for the fabulous Poorna Jagannathan who was also there to show her support.

Shivan Narresh launch

It’s not a real celebration unless the whole crew is there, and we ALL turned up. Big shout out to The Picky C aka Charu Gaur Naidu, Samriddhi Kukreja, Viseshika Sharma, Spardha Malik, Vinita Makhija, Shurti Thacker, Al Walling, Jahnabee Bohra and Manisha Prakash! We sure do know how to party huh?

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