Toe Tappers: Damn your Eyes, Alex Clare

Alex Clare

Picture courtesy

I have to listen to this song every day on my way to work. Damn Your Eyes by Alex Clare was originally an Etta James song and just like the late singer, he too belts it out from the soul. There is such a yearning and pain in his voice, that you’re immediately hooked. You must be asking yourself why I’d choose such a depressing song as this for my journey to work. Well,I can’t quite answer that one, I’ve never been happier, got a great new job, fun colleagues and an amazing bunch of girlfriends. Which means, there is NO meaning behind why I like this song, I just like it.

In fact, you should check out his other songs too, another go to song is ‘Up all Night’ which has a great beat that makes you want to do a little jig, even if it’s a head bob on the local train to work. His songs have a slight dub step feel to them, but it’s more commercial and makes for easy listening. Hope you enjoy this one!

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