Shoe Bites: Matthew McConaughey & Camila Alves hear Wedding bells and Jingle Bells

Matthew and Camila

Picture courtesy Matthew McConaughey (

Yes, it’s true, Matthew McConaughey popped the question to Camila Alves on christmas day! Here’s wish the couple all the happiness, and I can’t wait to see how smashing this couple is going to look on their wedding day. Will Matthew’s little son Levi be his best man or ring bearer?

Toe Tappers: Zack Braff and Donald Faison ‘Baby it’s Cold outside’

zack and donald

You might know these two from the popular comedy show Scrubs, and if you don’t, go out there and get the whole series, its a must, MUST watch. Zack Braff and Donald Faison give us a little holiday cheer with their rendition of ‘baby it’s cold outside’. It’s hilarious, and I have to add, didn’t now they could sing in key! A bunch of multi talented actors we have here. So while you’re still living up the christmas spirit, listen to this one with a nice glass of wine. Continue reading

Shoe Bites: Matthew McConaughey, Joe Mangianello, Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer’s Stripper movie!

Matthew and Channing

Alright ladies, some much needed eye candy for the holidays comes to us in fours- Mathew McConaughey, Channing Tatum, Joe Mangianello and Alex Pettyfer. Here is the first look at their new movie called ‘Magic Mike’. You aren’t even reading what I’m writing I bet, but rather drooling over these buff boys. Salviate away, because I haven’t seen any eye candy like this all the merry month of December. Can’t wait for this movie to come out, you know I’m going to be watching it with my girlfriends now, don’t you!? On a side note, these actors sure have fancy names, could it be their stage names from their stripper days?  Continue reading

The Elevated Saunterer Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas!

merry christmas

To all my merry Elevated Saunterers out there, I hope you wear your most stunning heels, with the most gorgeous dress and to accessorize the outfit, some eye candy (single ladies) or a fantastic man by your side. I’m heading to mid night mass, it starts at 10 and ends at 11, but it’s the closest we’re going to get to mid-night with all our noise and event restrictions! After that I’m attending a Submerge event at Miami. Apparently the DJ, Eve Carey strips while playing her set, this is what I’ve heard, will see if it’s true tonight. Not sure I’m too happy about nudity on Christmas eve, being a catholic and all! Regardless, you’ll hear all about it soon enough. I want to hear all about your christmas eve so if you have any fun stories, send them to

Merry Christmas Everyone! xx


Shoe Bites: Pune Youth Have Christmas Spirit!

christmas carol singers

I’ve been moaning about how there is absolutely no Christmas Spirit in Pune, and that there are all of maybe 4 Christmas eve parties to go to. As if the big G heard my complaints, my door bell rang about 20 mins back with a whole troupe of carol singers from the neighborhood. We’re not talking about old fogies with sheet music and pitch perfect voices but rather a refreshing group of young boys and girls who decided they’d create a little Christmas atmosphere! Thanks you guys, was just what this girl (moi) needed.

Toe Tappers: Rihanna ‘You Da One’

Really, you didn’t see this one coming? I am a big Rihanna fan, so it was only obvious that her next big hit was going to be on my toe tapper play list! The melody is candy sweet but the lyrics deliver that raw sexual edge that rihanna is becoming known for. The video itself see her in blond wigs, seriously the girl can rock any hair style/cut/colour. I loved the little clockwork orange feel some of the scenes in the video had, having once dressed up for halloween as one of the boys from the movie myself, super fun! I’m a tad bit put off with all the crotch grabbing, but then again, the king of pop did it all the time, so why shouldn’t she, she is the new princess of pop right?


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